Get Styling with Your New Logo
You’ve been through the process of getting your shiny new logo designed and it’s been applied to all the things you need to run your business.
It’s been distributed to key staff to use and everyone is excited, until you notice said staff have been using a plethora of different fonts and sometimes the logo appears fuzzy or the colour isn’t quite right. Maybe the icon has appeared without the tagline or the portrait version when landscape should have been used.
Colour me Purple – or in this case, green!
You may have heard your designer or printer ask for the Pantone colour or PMS code when you’re doing a one colour print or choosing a strong brand colour.
The Pantone company cleverly devised a universal colour matching system for printers and designers to specify and control colours for printing projects eg: if you have a specific PMS red in your logo, by having that code it will be the same red that’s used across all your print and production.
logo design assets
Once you have approved your new logo it’s time to lock in the assets and how they should be used. If you have teams working in different media, eg: some using print, some TV and some on socials then having these assets maintained and communicated ensures the integrity of your brand design and continuity across the board.
Print files vs Screen/Digital files
I could go into the technicalities and theories of colour but that’s a whole other complex story (if you’re really nerdy you can read all about here - link to colour article). For now, let’s focus on the basics that affect file types and their uses.
Signed off on your brand new shiny logo? What Now?
At this point YOUR part of the job is complete, for the designer there is still a heap of work to make sure you have your beautiful new logo in every format you will need.
Your designer will prepare and supply you with a zillion files, why so many you ask?